
Man on Wire


Limeira Del Rei

I’m in Brazil to screen the film with some participants. It’s an opportunity to reconnect without the camera and get their feedback to ensure they feel well represented by what I’ve put together. It’s been an amazing time. We’ve all matured in the two years since I first started filming, and I’ve enjoyed following Ale, Cata and the rest of the crew as they do workshops around the south of Brazil.


The only place to sleep being a secret stash of airplane blankets pilfered on a dim square of carpet behind a Best Buy vending machine in Miami is the best definition of modern travel I can think of.


Farewell Vancouver, See You Soon

Vancouver in May is flamboyant, beautiful, chaotic, energetic. A short stay punctuated with sun, beach and positive vibes.


Never too young

A New Economy’s youngest new viewer takes in Gar Alperovitz’s perspective


Artists exist adjacent to markets. When the muse calls us to forms orthogonal to current monetary value, we need space to live and do our work. The hosts of this home in Albuquerque provide this space for artists. Simple, needed, effective at filling the world with more beautiful things.

Photography Updates

Desert Nomads

My time in New Mexico is over. Echoes of art, love, laughter and songs follow me like shadowed footsteps into an awaiting dream.

It’s only been a few days and already I miss these souls.


Or, why I’ve (mostly) unplugged from the digital space (for now)

Being Instafamous is hard work. On top of that hard work is a layer of deception that everyone is participating in.

The Influencer’s Dilemma

It’s a great read. A few more salient quotes:

People have not yet internalized that most forms of digital social capital is for sale. They don’t grasp how effortlessly people can manufacture likes, purchase followers, and artificially create popularity.

One consideration as to why Wikipedia “works” is that the platform is non-profit. Wikipedia’s goal is not viewer engagement but rather truth and fact, elements that traditional platforms are willing to overlook in their pursuit of profit.

It’s not possible to eliminate social capital’s captivating charm. Instead, we must identify how to create platforms that award people influence fairly, based upon the real value they provide.

[We] need a way that allows everyone to easily verify the veracity of social capital in a way that, for thousands of years, depended upon the presence of real live people.


Side hustle