To celebrate the launch of, I’ve got a wallpaper of one of my photographs for you all to enjoy. This was shot in the Maasai Mara (Kenya) in August, 2006.
Right-click the following link and save-as to download: Maasai Mara wallpaper.
To celebrate the launch of, I’ve got a wallpaper of one of my photographs for you all to enjoy. This was shot in the Maasai Mara (Kenya) in August, 2006.
Right-click the following link and save-as to download: Maasai Mara wallpaper.
This music video is from a live performance in February, 2006. The original was projected at wall size, including selections from my documentary footage and some original material. The song is Butterflies & Hurricanes, by Muse.
A long road has led to the launch of this site… you could call it my own little online existential crisis. This site grew from a blog, to a website, to an internet hub, to a centre for world peace… to the anti-blog that it has become. The coding, multiple redesigns, online experimentation – all were in search of a theme.
There is a simple thread running through everything on this site, from the design to the content: to clearly, simply bring to light things that are beautiful and unique.
A few details about me are here in the about page, yanked from the preview site. Most likely you will want to subscribe to the feed, the easiest way to keep up to date.
In a world where less is more, you can expect less from me. Let’s see where this takes us…