Alone in Rome for a few days and thinking of y’all. I miss you. Grateful for so many good people in my life.

Alone in Rome for a few days and thinking of y’all. I miss you. Grateful for so many good people in my life.
Just got back from a great long weekend away with friends. Some sweet spring skiing and barbeque on the lawn. Classic USA.
Here’s what’s up in the world of me:
Ol’ Nessie (my bright red Jeep)’s been feeling a little lonely these days… time to get some tracks under her wheels.
Taking a break with some friends to hit the slopes. Back on Tuesday…
Over the last few weeks I’ve been scanning in old film negs… a fun reminisce for me, relationally and photographically. I started with a Pentax point & shoot and Costco bulk film. Then along came my first SLR, a Canon Elan II. Soon after I started shooting on professional film (Fuji NPC) and using a better lab. Can you spot which is which, and where things changed? Have a look: “2002: First Shots“