I’m heads-down, working away on the final touches to my film and sheltering in Vancouver while we all wait to see what happens next. A gracious friend has provided a place to stay while I search out housing for my two-week-turned-indefinite hiatus here. I’m safe and healthy, grateful to be in a country with an excellent public health system. I miss my artist & close friends in Brazil, Albuquerque and Paris. Like almost everyone I talk to, it feels like the human species is waiting, holding our breath, in limbo. It’s the strangest kind of liminal space.
I’m working on the final tweaks to the music, sound design and colour for Cántame. Most of the film festivals have I’d planned to show the film at have or are in the process of being cancelled. I’m not sure what’s next for the film, but I know I want to finish it well and for as many people as possible to get the chance to see it.
For now, I’m spending my time inside like everyone else, peeking out for groceries and exercise, taking in too many zoom calls, learning, waiting and watching.