
Now, in Vancouver

Bicycles and boats, sunset at Jericho beach

I’m heads-down, working away on the final touches to my film and sheltering in Vancouver while we all wait to see what happens next. A gracious friend has provided a place to stay while I search out housing for my two-week-turned-indefinite hiatus here. I’m safe and healthy, grateful to be in a country with an excellent public health system. I miss my artist & close friends in Brazil, Albuquerque and Paris. Like almost everyone I talk to, it feels like the human species is waiting, holding our breath, in limbo. It’s the strangest kind of liminal space.

I’m working on the final tweaks to the music, sound design and colour for Cántame. Most of the film festivals have I’d planned to show the film at have or are in the process of being cancelled. I’m not sure what’s next for the film, but I know I want to finish it well and for as many people as possible to get the chance to see it.

For now, I’m spending my time inside like everyone else, peeking out for groceries and exercise, taking in too many zoom calls, learning, waiting and watching. 


Now, in Brazil

As the world dives into the descending chaos from COVID-19, I’m still in Brazil. I’m working on the final tweaks to the soundtrack and working with some great colleagues on the sound and colour. It’s probably in vain; most of the film festivals have or are in the process of being cancelled as we head to this new world. I’m not sure what I’ll do with the film, but I know I want to finish it well.

In the meantime I’m spending time in the mountains, enjoying the beach and eating fresh mangoes while all of this is still possible, preparing my mind and body for a possible few months of isolation and hibernation. Hopefully it will be a creative time. Until then, you can find me outside.

For context: I’ve been keeping a Now page up to date for the last few years. One of the things I miss is being able to look back and see a sequential record of what has been written. Experimenting with posting a semi-regular status update here on the blog.


Featured with Stephen Lewis

Alive Magazine-small

My photography is featured in the July edition of Alive Magazine, as part of an article about Stephen Lewis and the AIDS crisis in Africa. It was an honour to share the page: Stephen is one of my heros for his articulate speech and tireless effort to bring attention and real progress in Africa.

Click here for a PDF of the first two pages of the article… or you can pick up a copy wherever health & wellness magazines are sold.


The Future of News

The world of news is changing fast. The capture, editing, and dissemination of what is newsworthy is becoming flatter, in that fewer barriers remain between the event and the reporting of the event. A few examples I’ve noted recently:

  • (and a forthcoming iPhone application) that gives you location- and preference-based news, and allows you to directly submit text and photos back to the Associated Press, direct from your iPhone.
  • The BBC’s newly re-vamped news site, and their refreshing use of video: uncommented, barely edited, and often backed up with the BBC’s excellent reporting in the text of the article: (An example from their front page)
  • Many discussions on the future of photojournalism, and the use of video as it relates to the still image. Here’s one video.

Technology is removing barriers to communication, reshaping our culture by changing the values behind what is reported: what is newsworthy becomes more closely tied to what is important to us.



An introduction…

A long road has led to the launch of this site… you could call it my own little online existential crisis. This site grew from a blog, to a website, to an internet hub, to a centre for world peace… to the anti-blog that it has become. The coding, multiple redesigns, online experimentation – all were in search of a theme.

There is a simple thread running through everything on this site, from the design to the content: to clearly, simply bring to light things that are beautiful and unique.

A few details about me are here in the about page, yanked from the preview site. Most likely you will want to subscribe to the feed, the easiest way to keep up to date.

In a world where less is more, you can expect less from me. Let’s see where this takes us…