
Now, in Brazil

As the world dives into the descending chaos from COVID-19, I’m still in Brazil. I’m working on the final tweaks to the soundtrack and working with some great colleagues on the sound and colour. It’s probably in vain; most of the film festivals have or are in the process of being cancelled as we head to this new world. I’m not sure what I’ll do with the film, but I know I want to finish it well.

In the meantime I’m spending time in the mountains, enjoying the beach and eating fresh mangoes while all of this is still possible, preparing my mind and body for a possible few months of isolation and hibernation. Hopefully it will be a creative time. Until then, you can find me outside.

For context: I’ve been keeping a Now page up to date for the last few years. One of the things I miss is being able to look back and see a sequential record of what has been written. Experimenting with posting a semi-regular status update here on the blog.