
Photography for Africa: the Bulembu Calendar

This February I travelled to Swaziland after filming in Rwanda. I was on assignment with the Teldon Community Foundation, photographing the town of Bulembu. A former mining town, Bulembu is now being transformed into a centre of job-creation, commerce and orphan care.

The images were destined for a fundraising calendar, which you can now get your hands on here. The final product is excellent, and I’m excited to see the photographs used for a good cause. Head to for more info and to purchase your copy of the calendar. 100% of the purchase goes to Bulembu Compassion.

{{ Check my Bulembu Archives for more posts & photos from the trip. }}


Featured with Stephen Lewis

Alive Magazine-small

My photography is featured in the July edition of Alive Magazine, as part of an article about Stephen Lewis and the AIDS crisis in Africa. It was an honour to share the page: Stephen is one of my heros for his articulate speech and tireless effort to bring attention and real progress in Africa.

Click here for a PDF of the first two pages of the article… or you can pick up a copy wherever health & wellness magazines are sold.


TRIM22 HIV-Resistant Gene

This is interesting… Researchers discover gene that blocks HIV