
The Promise 2nd Unit

I’m in Oxford, enjoying a short break after wrapping 2nd unit on “The Promise”, a documentary on Israel. While Jim van Dijk (Director) and Todd Williams (DP) ran main unit, I had the fun job. Four people and a van loaded with gear ran around Israel capturing unique and hidden images of the place.

Each night as I reviewed the day’s footage, I rendered out my favourite shot or two along with some stills. I threw them into Final Cut to give you a quick sample of some of what we shot. Click the image above to view the reel.

4 replies on “The Promise 2nd Unit”

Great job Trev, its nice to see you give a damn! I have not been to Israel before but it sure made me miss the Middle East. You really captured the area, the culture, and people!

Nice work man!

Amazing Trev, absolutely stunning. Bry says to tell you that he is very excited for the screening of Hope Rises, I’m also looking forward to it. Hope all is well, say hi to Kelly for us.

Trevor my friend!
You are not only a friend of mine, you are a friend of my country. Israel.

Thank You for this amazing job!

Nir Kouris

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