That’s how long it took to pack my bags & camera carry-on.
Incidentally, it took 23 minutes because that’s all I had before the taxi arrived.
A string of nights with 3 hours sleep then attempting an all nighter don’t lead to efficient work. Around 4AM I found myself nodding uncontrollably, so I settled in for a short “nap”.
But… I’ve done this a few times now. I only managed to forget a few Clif bars and my book to read. Everything else came out in a flurry, and habit landed most of what I need in my bags in a few minutes.
And with that we’re off to Bulembu. The equipment left yesterday with my DP, Jonny – 9 cases plus a carnet. So I’m travelling nice & light, just a carry-on and a backpack for clothes. It’s three days of transit to Bulembu… I hope to update with some pictures or video once we’re settled on the ground.
2 replies on “23 Minutes”
Bon Voyage! Have fun.
Wow! That’s got to be a record, Trevor! We’ll have to do a challenge on our next missions trip – beat trev’s time. We look forward to more news.