
There & Back Again

After an evening of packing, sorting, and de-integrating our now well-rehearsed package of gear, Lyn & Jesse have hopped a flight to Nairobi. I’m here in Rwanda for another week, picking up extra shots, stills, and waiting on a couple possible interviews before heading to Swaziland. There is more still to be written in the story of this film, but somehow the departure of the better half of the crew is a good time to take stock.

Lyn & Jesse at the Geranium Project - Small

A few things I’ll miss now that Lyn & Jesse are on their way:
  • Lyn & Jesse
  • Rosten Jr, a.k.a. the RED
  • the sounds of Super Mario Brothers chiming from Jesse’s laptop
  • Lyn perched on her chair, editing audio
  • trekking across three hours of “main” road, stopping for bridge repairs and trees being felled on the road
A few things I wish I’d known before arriving:
  • that we’d only shoot 500GB worth of footage (I brought 8 terabytes of storage…)
  • that a portable card downloader and sling bag are necessary accessories for shooting RED
  • how hard this trip would be (more on this later)
A few things I’m glad I got right:
  • get a big, bad-ass pelican case. It’s always handy for keeping something safe (e.g. transferring a RED over open water, or protecting drives as bounce down the road)
  • bring a backup for everything critical in the imaging chain
  • local knowledge & friends on the ground make all the difference
Something I won’t miss:
  • Sony gear. All things Sony seem bent on my distress.
A few things I’m looking forward to:
  • some time to slow down and take stock of where the film is at
  • space to wander, shoot stills and observe without impending deadlines
  • time spent with our main characters outside the rigors of filming

More to come…