Marketers are not Advertisers – Seth Godin, 2010 Contagious Conference from Storyspark on Vimeo.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of filming Seth Godin in New York as part of a series of videos for the upcoming Contagious Conference. We had a great time during the interview, with Seth sharing lots of insight and new ideas about marketing, gift culture, and what it means to be a Linchpin. If you’d like to see the full interview… well, you’ll have to come to the conference for that :)
This is round two or three of a series of projects that have quietly launched my new venture, Storyspark. If you haven’t already, head over to the website to check out what it’s all about.
2 replies on “Seth Godin in NYC”
Love your work Trevor!
Seth Godin is a very smart guy.
Your work is amazing Trevor!
Good luck and Greetings from Israel!
Nir Kouris