
Design Updates

If you’ve poked around recently, you’ll have noticed some design changes on the site. The main addition is a section listing my recent work. Other changes include a re-vamp to the homepage, and the addition of post thumbnails to make browsing a little more visual. One of my favourite subtle changes is in the typography on the home page (the display font for section headings is in my very own *messy* printing.)

Rwanda Thumbnail The goal overall was to make my work more accessible and easier to browse. I wanted navigation to be clearer for the first time visitor while still maintaining a sense of discovery and journey as you navigate around the site.

You can still flip through posts one at a time on the blog or see a list of all the recent posts in the index. And of course the most recent news, blog post, video & photography is right there on the home page.

Hope you like it! Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.