
Russian T-55 Test Drive

T-55 Test Drive on Vimeo.

A few days ago, on the rainiest August day on record, I was part of a crew that headed to Chilliwack for a test drive. Our test vehicle has a 38-litre V12 engine and weighs 40 tons: the venerable T-55.

I had to think about whether to post this. My views on war aren’t really compatible with going out to “play” with a machine like a Russian main battle tank. But at the same time, this is about making movies. And we had a lot of fun on the day. This test drive is part of a more extensive behind-the-scenes look I’m shooting for the 3rd season of Sanctuary, a Vancouver-based television series that airs on the SyFy network. I can’t say any more than that. Have a look at the video.