
YMCA in the Vancouver Sun

A four-year project in the making, the Robert Lee YMCA is a great example of human-centred architectural design. I was invited to photographically explore the architectural spaces for a special supplement in the Vancouver Sun newspaper.

A four-year project in the making, the Robert Lee YMCA is a great example of human-centred architectural design. Where the original 1941 building felt closed and functional, the new building is open, inviting and filled with natural light. I was invited to photographically explore the architectural spaces (designed by Vancouver companies Endall Elliot and Stantec) for a special supplement in the Vancouver Sun newspaper. You can see a few of the photos in the gallery below.

For more information on the Robert Lee YMCA, check out the latest article on the Vancouver Observer.

[ See more photos from the Robert Lee YMCA’s Open House → ]

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