
Pecha Kucha #12

Pecha Kucha #12 at the Queen E was packed full of good information and inspiration. Sustainability and the power of collaborative leadership stood out as the take-aways.

Last night I attended Pecha Kucha #12 (pronounced in four syllables as “peh-cha koo-cha”, or three, “peh-chak-cha”, depending on who’s last edited the wikipedia page).

Last night was titled “WALK THE TALK: GREEN YOUR CITY”, with the talks centring on sustainability. What struck me is the passion of each of the speakers (well… most of them. There were a couple “huh??” moments… but overall awesome). Like watching TED talks, I’m inspired when listening to people who can’t help but put into action something they’re passionate about.

The night was full of good information and inspiration, with a packed house of 2000 at the Queen E Theatre. Besides sustainability and the surprisingly pro-economic benefits, the theme of collaborative leadership came up again and again. While the speakers were chosen as leaders in their field, it’s their ability to build strong, authentic connections that creates action & movement on their issue.

Here are some bullet points I couldn’t resist jotting down in my phone as the talks progressed:

  • Inspiration leads to action
  • Products are a common currency. They bring people together. What if they could be all good? (
  • Imagine the subjectivity of others, especially the less privileged
  • Difference is a point of negotiation
  • Community based around food
  • “A One Planet Footprint”
  • Play = activity together
  • Building beyond the property line. Green buildings are stronger together, connecting the capabilities of a neighbourhood to create a net-zero unit.
  • Live like you plan on staying

Overall a great night! I can’t wait for the next one…