
Robert Lee YMCA Open House

Recently I worked with the YMCA of Greater Vancouver to profile their new downtown membership centre. Built into the original building’s 1941 facade, the new Robert Lee YMCA is open and spacious, filled with natural light by a vast atrium that reaches up over six storeys. To capture these open spaces, I worked with the Y’s communications team on a series of images to bring to life the community feel of the new centre. The first shoot was for a special supplement in the Vancouver Sun, which you can read about here.

In the meantime, I also had the pleasure of shooting the two-day open house just prior to the centre’s May 3rd opening. I had fun capturing the energy as YMCA volunteers toured prospective members through the new facility. Click on a thumbnail below for photos of the open house (and check back soon for more about the photos in the Vancouver Sun…)


Dinner with a Side of Design

Put on by my friend Kara Pecknold, Dinner with a Side of Design is an event “to engage local leaders and designers in collaborative conversations focused around the complex themes of sustainability, culture and economics.”

During the facilitated three-course dinner, participants will be able to dialogue through conversation and visualisation in order to investigate new ways to respond to these complex topics by applying the value of design to them. The tablecloth will be a conduit to allow for idea development and exchange. The aim is to investigate how a collaborative informal approach can help a community work collectively toward a common future. By treating complexity with a measure of comradery, and using design process and thinking, we propose that new and undetected ideas can emerge.